Joomla import
Joomla import
– povestea:
In urma cu ceva timp, am avut nevoie de un tool care sa imi importe din excel in joomla si invers, din joomla in excel toate articolele. Scopul era pentru a lucra mai repede, pentru a avea continut mai mult in timp scurt. Dar si din motive de SEO – search engine optimisation.
Asadar, mi-a venit aceasta idee de a avea propriul meu tool care face acest lucru: exporta articole din joomla in excel si invers, importa din excel in joomla.
M-am blocat putin la cod, dar m-a ajutat cineva care se pricepe mai bine, si l-am recompensat.
Rezultatul este unul uimitor.
Am scos pe piata aceasta unealta (poate unica in lume)
Elite-XL – joomla import export excel
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Cu ajutorul excelului poti importa si exporta sute de articole. Salvezi fisierul excel la tine pe calculator, il prelucrezi dupa bunul plac, si apoi il reimporti.
*** ATENTIE: JOOMLA IMPORT –> trebuie sa lasati coloana Article ID libera. Altfe nu se vor importa materialele.
Facilitati – campuri pentru joomla import 3x:
- Article ID > La import lasati aceasta coloana goala.
- Article title > Editabil
- Alias > Editabil – daca e liber se va autoconstrui dupa Article title
- Category > Editabil – obligatoriu. Daca nu exista categorie, aceasta se va crea
- Content > Editabil
- Image > Editabil > Imaginea intro este aceasi cu Full Article Image
Exemplu: images/stories/YOUR-IMAGE.jpg
* imaginea trebuie sa existe la aceasta adresa, altfel se va afisa o imagine cu “missing icon” - Tags > Editabil
- Published > Editabil
Exemplu: Y or N - Featured > Editabil
Exemplu: Y or N - Start publishing > Editabil
Exemplu: 05/25/2015 - Finish Publishing > Editabil
Exemplu: Niciodata - Meta Description > Editabil (util pentru SEO)
- Meta Keywords > Editabil (util pentru SEO)
Puteti descarca un model de excel de aici: Excel-Demo.xls
Tool-ul costa doar 15 Eur si poat efi cumparat prin orice metoda de plata de aici:
INSTALAREA Joomla import
Pachetul contine
- Componenta
- Pluginul (trebuie activat dupa instalare)
- Librarie
Pasul 1.
Dezarhivezi pachetul cumparat: joomla import elite-xl
Pasul 2
Instalezi cele 3 piese din arhiva
Pasul 3.
Activezi custom toolbar:
(Extension >> Plugin Manager >> Search Toolbar >> Enable System Custom Toolbar)
Pasul 4.
4.1 Mergi la Components Elite-XL > si importi fisierul tau excel in joomla
4.2 Mergi la Content >> Article manager.
Si vei descoperi cat este de usor sa importi din excel in joomla.
Pasul 5.
Nu esista acest pas.
Daca ai intrebari, contacteaza-ma!
Dezinstalarea se face din Joomla Administrator Area la fel ca orice alta componenta sau plugin.
Alte tooluri:
- ELITE – BPC FOR AUP€ 5.00It means Elite – Banner Points Click and it is a rule for AlphaUserPointjoomla csv import Give points to users, when they click on a banner. It works with Ad-sense, but please check with the ad-sense policy – we believe they don’t agree this system. It is up to you! How to use it: 1. […]
- ELITE-CE€ 7.00It means Elite Cascade Excel. (cascade drop down based on previous selection, joomla export menus and content, move joomla site to new server) This tool makes any XLSX files to have each columns (no matter how many columns) So excel sorting & filtering can be embeded in multiple ways directly in html pages, but this […]
- ELITE-SCRATCH (AUP)€ 13.00Scratch to win – for Joomla and Alpha User Point (j2xml, joomla import users from excel is something that Elite-Scratch can not do! Please navigate in shop to buy Elite-XL – the joomla import export excel tool) (j2xml, joomla import users from excel) Give some entertainment to your users, and some points. NOTE!: ONLY with […]
- ELITE-SS€ 5.00Elite-SS – stands for Elite Server Search. (export joomla articles to wordpress, joomla import, server search, joomla admin hider, scratch game, excel to html) This tool is searching for files and folder from a server, even text inside files. It is highly recommended when you are trying to find viruses or quick settings. Could be […]
- ELITE-XL JOOMLA IMPORT EXPORT EXCEL€ 15.00Elite-XL – Import multiple articles in Joomla from excel joomla import export excel This is a unique tool (probably in the world) With the help of excel file you can import into your joomla site hundred of article at once. It is good for SEO, and for fast content import.NOTE!: ONLY XLS files! (no xlsx) […]
- J!ADMIN HIDER€ 9.00J!Admin Hider – The concept This is a plugin. J!Admin Hider It’s a plugin that allows a Super Admin to assign different menu links in administration area, for all groups. It’s up to you. Steps – Create a new group under Super Users group. (Example: Customer) – Add a new user in this group – […]